Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Create Linux Virtual Machine using ARM Templates (IaC) in Azure

There are various ways to create virtual machine in azure , Few of them are very well known as shown below:
           1    Azure Portal
2      Azure PowerShell
     Azure CLI
4      Create a json template and deploy json template through power shell
5       Create and deploy virtual machine through visual studio console.

In this article I will explain how to create it with Infrastructure as a code or using azure ARM templates.
Practical Scenario : There can be a practical use case while you work in a certain project and gets a requirement to create a virtual machine from an existing infrastructure. There can be various ways though the quickest one is through Azure templates.
Azure templates can be downloaded from the resource already hosted. Now
What ARM templates perform : An ARM templates keeps an entire contents of resource group or it can contain more than one resource. While deployment it can be “Complete or Incremental”.

Whenever you perform any operation through Azure ARM portal, Azure PowerShell ,Azure CLI or Rest API’s the Azure ARM API handles your individual request, because each request handled by the same API.
All the capabilities exists in Azure Resource Manager Portal are easily available through PowerShell, CLI and client SDK as well as RestAPI’s.

You can refer an image below to understand how does all tools interact with ARM API. Refer arm-image

The API transmit request to Azure resource manager service ,which further validates the requests and it further routes the requests to appropriate service.

Now login into https://portal.azure.com and search for existing resource if exists (e.g. Virtual Machine).Open that in portal as shown below in image virtual-machine-linux 

Search templates , it should show export templates in that. Click on that.Kindly refer an image export-template.

Once you click on the export template option shown in last step , it  shows you the following screen ,from there you can download the templates . You should be able to some other options also like CLI, PowerShell, .NET, Ruby. Refer download-template

Once you downloaded the files unzip that ,it has the following structure which contains all  pertinent information about the various ways to deploy you resource to ARM. For our purpose parameters and template.json files are essentials to proceed further. Refer template-structure

template.Json files keeps an entire structure of the resource you want to deploy while parameters contains runtime parameters required in template.Json file.
Parameters.json contains the information like “virtualMachineName”, virtualMachineRG, osDiskType, virtualMachineSize and diagnosticsStorageAccountName.  Parameters.json has the following structure.
    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "location": {
            "value": "centralus"
        "networkInterfaceName": {
            "value": "master675"
        "networkSecurityGroupName": {
            "value": "master-nsg"
        "networkSecurityGroupRules": {
            "value": [
                    "name": "SSH",
                    "properties": {
                        "priority": 300,
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "access": "Allow",
                        "direction": "Inbound",
                        "sourceAddressPrefix": "*",
                        "sourcePortRange": "*",
                        "destinationAddressPrefix": "*",
                        "destinationPortRange": "22"
        "subnetName": {
            "value": "default"
        "virtualNetworkName": {
            "value": "kubeRG-vnet"
        "addressPrefixes": {
            "value": [
        "subnets": {
            "value": [
                    "name": "default",
                    "properties": {
                        "addressPrefix": ""
        "publicIpAddressName": {
            "value": "node3-ip"
        "publicIpAddressType": {
            "value": "Dynamic"
        "publicIpAddressSku": {
            "value": "Basic"
        "virtualMachineName": {
            "value": "node3"
        "virtualMachineRG": {
            "value": "kubeRG"
        "osDiskType": {
            "value": "Premium_LRS"
        "virtualMachineSize": {
            "value": "Standard_D2s_v3"
        "adminUsername": {
            "value": "sachin"
        "adminPublicKey": {
            "value": null
        "diagnosticsStorageAccountName": {
            "value": "kubergdiag642"
        "diagnosticsStorageAccountId": {
            "value": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/kubergdiag642"
        "diagnosticsStorageAccountType": {
            "value": "Standard_LRS"
        "diagnosticsStorageAccountKind": {
            "value": "Storage"
        "autoShutdownStatus": {
            "value": "Enabled"
        "autoShutdownTime": {
            "value": "19:00"
        "autoShutdownTimeZone": {
            "value": "UTC"
        "autoShutdownNotificationStatus": {
            "value": "Disabled"
        "autoShutdownNotificationLocale": {
            "value": "en"

So far we are done and good to go. Open you PowerShell window and type az login to get into your subscription.
Once you succeeded with  that type the following command to deploy your resource.

az group deployment create -n "sachinDeployment" -g "kubeRG" --template-file 'C:\Learning\LinuxVM\VM\template.json' --parameters 'C:\Learning\LinuxVM\VM\parameters.json' --parameters "adminPublicKey=ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAgQzk/MYIUMhMDpJgjgku6QdhLY0zagTdqFYWkJuTnz9tsBE7eRyFuzW9lK6PSTTSYHCbTPpWALJWGlwrEmWmXL62nss0ppa2IcuD9TMA3VkeFKE6EnOpiRF6lM6fBXyh+KtRFrzHIu6OUfeLbAy6UpPm1kRPcRtMX9nRX0hzpRKGLYdIh/gnwNYJsOHX/5wAvFiDfPSlIblYbL9HhWaw1Mm/b1r6vpV+WREhJ09q2Fh4uQwi75/XuUj9C+2c5NOM5HwKxILdiwad3FcTfNrGO0otHaXdAT0buAbZ7wL4QNKqLtcTelje2BGc6uunpyrYywQkn/VLBETC+LY21S4aBw== rsa-key-20190723"
refer : power-shell-command                 

Note: in my case I’ve passed adminPublicKey as runtime parameter which I have created with help of Agent Putty.
Yeeee , You are done. Go to azure portal and choose virtual machine there.
You should get you virtual machine details there as in my case it has created Node3.

Hope it helps you while you create VM using ARM templates (Infrastructure as Code)


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