Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Frequently use Docker commands

Frequently use Docker commands 

Docker is well-known and famous containerization platform , in this article i'll be sharing some frequently use docker command and which will help in your work. There are network and volume section which elaborates more with pictorial representation.

Here we go...

Docker Commands 

docker container ls

docker container ls -a

docker container run -d nginx

docker container inspect 182 | less    # to get an IP of running container

docker container pause 182

After pausing you wont be able to access this

docker container unpause 182

To Stop and Kill Container

docker container stop 182

To go inside the container

docker container exec -it ngnixContainer bash

Network in docker

docker network ls

docker network inspect add7666agsg

If you want to create your own network

docker network create -d bridge my-bridge-network

Image network.jpg

docker network inspect ba858ba01ad3

Image network-inspect.jpg

docker container run -d --name nginx3 -p 8081:80  --network my-bridge-network nginx
After this if you run the following command than it shows that newly created container is connected to that defined network

docker network inspect ba858ba01ad3

Image network-linking-container.jpg

Docker Volumes-> docker volume is use to persist data so in case if container goes down or delete than we can save the data
 To create a docker volume use the below command - volume 

docker volume create volume1

docker volume ls

To attach a volume to container and mount point which is created within container

docker container run -d –name nginx4 -v volume1:/volume1 -p 8085:80 nginx

in an above command left side keyword volume1 is host volume which stores on local host or local machine while right side "volume1" is mount point for within container

Refer an image below:  volume.jpg

TO go inside a volume , follow the below path

cd var -> cd lib -> cd docker -> cd volumes -> ls

image volume-list.jpg

To inspect a volume use the following command

docker volume inspect volume1

refer an image showing below: volume-inspect.jpg

If you notice in an image above mount point shows an exact path of volume along with Name.

docker image ls

docker image rm logstash

docker image history logstash

docker image save logstash > logstash.tar

To load image from standard input

docker image load < logstash.tar