Swap column value of table using Cursor in SQL Server 2008
As idea to write an article came from last day when one of my friends encountered a question in an interview. I feel it would be a good brain teaser.
Question - > Please swap a value of specific column value with other. For an example if we have a table t1 having column Gender than Male should be replaced with Female and vice versa.
Note: You should have little knowledge of Cursor and Switch Statement in SQLServer2005,2008 so on.
I’ve taken an idea and created a table keeps the structure as depicted below:
select * from customers
Here we will swap name column values like “Sachin” will be replaced by “dotnetpiper.com” and vice versa.
Output will be like this.
I’ve used cursor to do the desired task .Reason to choose cursor because of it will fetch each row individually and will perform the desired action. Here is the actual SQL query implementation as
1: DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) -- database name2: DECLARE DotnetPiper_Cursor CURSOR FOR3: SELECT name4: FROM customers5:6: OPEN DotnetPiper_Cursor7: FETCH NEXT FROM DotnetPiper_Cursor INTO @name8:9: WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 010: BEGIN11: Update customers SET name=( Case when @name='sachin' then 'dotnetpiper.com'12: when @name= 'dotnetpiper.com' then 'sachin'13: else @name14: End) WHERE CURRENT OF DotnetPiper_Cursor15:16: FETCH NEXT FROM DotnetPiper_Cursor INTO @name17: END18:19: CLOSE DotnetPiper_Cursor20: DEALLOCATE DotnetPiper_Cursor
SQL Snippet to create table Customer table:
1: USE [Employee]2: GO3:4: /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Customers] Script Date: 08/03/2015 07:18:12 ******/5: SET ANSI_NULLS ON6: GO7:8: SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON9: GO10:11: SET ANSI_PADDING ON12: GO13:14: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers](15: [ID] [int] NULL,16: [Name] [varchar](50) NULL,17: [Salary] [varchar](50) NULL18: ) ON [PRIMARY]19:20: GO21:22: SET ANSI_PADDING OFF23: GO24:25:26:
I wish it will help you in order to crack such question or scenario.
Note: Please share you opinion and advise us for better approach also.I really appreciate you initiation
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