Friday, October 10, 2014

Shed Lights on Façade pattern : Just an Interface

Shed Lights on Façade pattern : Just an Interface


Façade means “The face or front”. Facade pattern works in a similar manner as its name means.

A definition as given below reference from dofactory.

Ø Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Façade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use

Ø Wrap a complicated subsystem with a simpler interface

IN a layman words “façade provides an interface to interact with sub layers to provide the desired result without interacting with sub layers directly from console”.

UML class diagram


I have used a very basic and daily used real life example to show the case. A Mobile shop.

Whenever a customer reaches to mobile shop and asks about mobile phone of Brand like Samsung but under the budget (budget could vary) . Please have a look into an image given below:



As in the image shown above, customer is asking for a phone of brand Samsung under the 15000 INR. He just asked to an interface/ façade layer “shopkeeper”. It doesn’t matter for him what happened behind the scene but he wants the mobile as he desired.

Hope scenario is cleared.

Now we jumped into a code segment and understand it practically.

This is the typical class diagram for the Façade pattern:


The classes, interfaces and objects in the above class diagram can be identified as follows:

Stock, Price, - These are subsystems.

MobileFacade- Facade class.

Structural code in C#

This structural code demonstrates the Facade pattern which provides a simplified and uniform interface to a large subsystem of classes.

Subsystems Classes Stock and Price code is depicted below:

  1: public class Price
  2:     {
  3:         public string GetMobileNameUnderPrice(string objMobileName,int price)
  4:         {
  5:             switch (price)
  6:             {
  7:                 case 8000:
  8:                     {
  9:                         return objMobileName+ " Trend";                        
 10:                     }
 12:                 case 10000:
 13:                     {
 14:                         return objMobileName+ " Ace";
 15:                     }
 16:                 case 15000:
 17:                     {
 18:                         return objMobileName+ " Grand";
 19:                     }
 20:                 case 25000:
 21:                     {
 22:                         return objMobileName+ " S3";
 23:                     }
 24:                 default:
 25:                     return objMobileName+" Guru";
 26:                     break;
 27:             }
 28:         }
 29:     }
 31: class Stock
 32:     {
 33:         public bool GetStock()
 34:         {
 35:             return true;
 36:         }
 37:     }

Kindly have a look at the MobileFacade.cs

  1: class MobileFacade
  2:     {
  3:         Stock objStock;
  4:         Price objPrice;
  5:         string strMobileDetails = string.Empty;
  7:         public MobileFacade()
  8:         {
  9:             objStock = new Stock();
 10:             objPrice = new Price();
 11:         }
 13:         public string GetMobIleDetails(string objMobileName, int price)
 14:         {
 15:             if (objStock.GetStock())
 16:             {
 17:                 strMobileDetails = objPrice.GetMobileNameUnderPrice(objMobileName, price);
 19:             }
 20:             return strMobileDetails;
 21:         }
 22:     }

  1: /// <summary>
  2:   /// MainApp startup class for Structural
  3:   /// Facade Design Pattern.
  4:   /// </summary>
  6: class Program
  7:     {
  8:         static void Main(string[] args)
  9:         {
 10:             MobileFacade objMobileFacade = new MobileFacade();
 11:             Console.WriteLine("Please enter the Amount " );
 12:             int amount = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
 14:             string strMobileDetail = objMobileFacade.GetMobIleDetails("Samsung", amount);
 15:            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The mobile under the price {0} : => is {1}  ",amount, strMobileDetail));
 16:             Console.ReadLine();
 17:         }
 18:     }

If you run you application it asks you to give some amount value so that façade could find out the mobile under the price you have provided:


OutPut will be as shown below:



· The main advantages of this pattern are that you only interact with an interface to get desired result. What happens behind the scene doesn’t matter.

· There will be an entry point to each level of layered software.


· A tightly coupled system. Entry point is dependent on sub layers.

· Façade layers have to create many objects of subclasses internally to get desired output.

Disclaimer: These all are some finding which I have shared with you.Please touch base with me if you feel any query or suggestion of improvement.

I wish it will help you utilize both feature at best.

To learn more about MVC please go to the following link.

MVC Articles


Enjoy Coding and Readingclip_image009


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