A stored procedure as system object in SQL SERVER 2008
Today I encountered a situation to use a stored procedure across all objects , so that I could use stored procedure on any database within a given SQL Server instance.
After some digging I found that there are few ways to create such a stored procedure:
- The stored procedure must be created in the master database.
- The name of the stored procedure must start with “sp_“.
- The stored procedure must be marked as a system object.
In this I am pointing to the third one to create stored procedure as system object.Below is the way to create and its use.
1: CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DotnetPiper2: AS3: SELECT name, object_id, type_desc4: FROM sys.objects5: WHERE is_ms_shipped <> 16:7: -- Mark the stored procedure as a system object8: EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_DotnetPiper9:10: --To execute the systemmarked procedure11: exec sp_DotnetPiper
The first two are quite easily accomplished but the third requirement requires the use of an undocumented stored procedure named sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject which will mark the created stored procedure as a system object.
I’ve run the command and it shows the following output as depicted below:
1: USE Northwind
2: exec sp_DotnetPiper
Note: This is one of the question may ask in an interview .
Hope it will help you